[crossfire] Re: gcfclient and sign display

Lalo Martins lalo at exoweb.net
Wed Aug 17 04:51:33 CDT 2005

And so says Mark Wedel on 17/08/05 12:07...
       run with -nopopups command line option.
       Without it, gtk client pops up window for player name, password, and
      some other things.
       With that option, player name and like is entered in the text dialogue
      First comments on it i receive since implemented. Disabling for those
      requesting it should be easy to code.
       Please do so, ideally adding a config option that shows up in the
      config menus and is saved in the config file (eg, like all the other
      config options).
actually, I'd argue that this should be included in the effect of the
existing nopopups thing, which exists for a long time, and is always on
in my machines.

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
     lalo at exoweb.net
GNU: never give up freedom                 

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