[crossfire] loader mangles item names

Andreas Kirschbaum kirschbaum at myrealbox.com
Sun Aug 28 08:23:53 CDT 2005

While searching for the source of bug #1059537 (Chainmail mutations) I
discovered that the loader strips out leading material names.

cvs diff -r 1.36 -r 1.37 common/loader contains:
      Index: common/loader.l
      RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/common/loader.l,v
      retrieving revision 1.36
      retrieving revision 1.37
      diff -u -r1.36 -r1.37
      --- common/loader.l     30 Jan 2003 00:07:08 -0000      1.36
      +++ common/loader.l     7 Feb 2003 06:57:17 -0000       1.37
      @@ -133,6 +135,22 @@
                   set_materialname(op, 5);
      +    /* back out the materialname from op->name very limited subset of obs */
      +    if ((IS_WEAPON(op) || IS_ARMOR(op)) && op->name && op->materialname) {
      +        mt = name_to_material(op->materialname);
      +        if (mt && strstr(op->name, mt->description) &&
      +           strstr(op->name, mt->description) == op->name) {
      +           sprintf(buf, "%s", op->name);
      +           p = buf + strlen(mt->description) + 1;
      +           free_string(op->name);
      +           op->name = add_string(p);
      +           sprintf(buf, "%s", op->name_pl);
      +           p = buf + strlen(mt->description) + 1;
      +           free_string(op->name_pl);
      +           op->name_pl = add_string(p);
      +       }
      +    }
           /* We changed last_heal to gen_sp_armour, which is what it
            * really does for many objects.  Need to catch any in maps

The log message is:
      revision 1.37
      date: 2003/02/07 06:57:17;  author: garbled;  state: Exp;  lines: +19 -1
      Mark clued me in that query_name existed.. and that brought to light that
      the way I was handling materialnames before was stupid.  Back the old
      code out, and use query_name instead.  Put something in the loader to
      back the names out of the objects I mangled.

That is, code to fix object names that have been mangled by a previous
bug now mangles item names of newly created items.

Since this patch is now more than two year old, most item names should
have been fixed by now. Therefore: any objections if I remove this code
fragment again?


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