Or U can create a new spell type called something like "Reagented Spells". This will be something like Evocation, Sorcery, Summoning or so, but this spells needs then a reagent convination, but I prefer that all spells need a reagent convination. This way will made that spellcasters must search the reagents (or buy then), and made game more balanced. I think the "food effect" is a good idea too. Not only poisoned food, but depending your race (better than your class [proffesion]) some food may do some spacial damage, not only like zombies corpses with the dragon race. On this way you must be carefull with your "diet" -- -- Powered by Fedora Core 4 Linux -- -- AMD Duron 1.3 GHz -- -- 512 Mb RAM DDR 400 MHz -- -- HDD 80 Gb 7200 RPM -- -- GeForce 2 MX 400 --