[crossfire] Love and marriage, love and marriage...

Anton Oussik antonoussik at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 05:53:52 CDT 2005

On 19/10/05, Mark Wedel <
     mwedel at sonic.net
     > wrote:
        Most of the initial suggestions could for lack of better term best be
      described as new party spells.  Married characters, being what they are, should
      perhaps always be in the same party, so the spells work for them.
        In terms of sharing apartments, I'd think the guild idea, or buildable houses
      work in that area.  That way, I can just as easily share a spot with friends.
Having read the discussion which followed my previous post to this
thread I have to afree with Mark here. Party spells and buildable land
plots will allow enough flexibility to provide for most things
suggested, and without any of the social problems we may run into as
the result. If two players want to decide they are married they can
get a plot and build there, and party together. If they want to get
divorced it is up to them how they do it.


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