Currently, for two similar monsters that differ only in size (number of tiles they occupy), some spells hit the larger monster (much) harder. This is due to the fact that (for example) cone spells hit all monster parts individually. Each hit does the same (i.e. full) damage. Hence, a 2x1 sized monster can be hit twice by only one spell. The biggest monster I'm aware of is a Greater Demon. Its size is 42 tiles, therefore a fully hitting spell deals 42 times the damage compared to a 1x1 sized monster. To me, this is not the right behavior because it weakens big monsters against some spells. And it's not obvious to a map maker that monster size does matter. Besides that, you cannot really fix such a monster: if you just add more hp, it also becomes harder to kill with (say) melee or bullet spells. As a solution, I propose to scale down the damage done by the following spells: destruction explosion effects cone spells aura spells earth to dust I think the damage should be scaled down by the monster size (measured in tiles it occupies). This would mean a spell deals full damage only if it hits the whole monster (i.e. the spell covers all monster tiles). All other spells should not be affected by monster size, including: ball lightning bolt spells bullet spells Note that bolt spells currently do have the same problem and deal different damage depending on how you hit the monster: hitting a hill giant vertically will do double damage compared to hitting it horizontally. For this spell type I cannot think of a simple solution that works correctly: just scaling down by either MIN(monster width, monster height) or MAX(monster width, monster height) either does not fix the problem, or weakens bolt spells for no apparent reason (to the player). Therefore, I think bolt spells should be ignored for now.