On 9/27/05, Alex Schultz < alex_sch at telus.net > wrote: > Hmm... that gave me a neat idea, though one very difficult to implement: > When one makes an upper floor, it mirrors the floor and wall pattern of > the floor below for it's start. I reckon the thing to do here would be to say that for upper floors building could be done up to one square out from any wall on the lower floor. - this would allow tudor style houses with jutting out walls, or a balcony-like structure. - practically, look to see if anything has been built on the square immediatly below, if not check that at least 2 of the squares adjacent to the one below it have been built on, if so set the can_build flag. Extra bonus points - check this on each entrance to the map, and destroy the walls if you remove their support, dropping any items that happen to be nearby, possibly destroying them, for lower floors no such restriction would be needed. -though maybe there should need to be a pillar or wall every 6 squares or so?