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<table width="875" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="center"><tr><td bgcolor="#666699"><span style="background-color: #D6D3CE;letter-spacing: 8px; font-size: 14px; color:#999999"> Income in the Information Age </span></td></tr></table><table width="875" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"><tr valign="top"> <td width="550"> <br><h2 style="color: #D6D3CE; font-size: 24px; font-weight: normal; color: #CCCCCC; line-height: 14px; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 12px;">Give Yourself an Instant Pay Raise</h2><div style="font-size: 12px; color: #333333; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px; margin-left: 36px; line-height: 20px"><p><b>How would you like to double your income instantly and permanently?<br>With twice the income, you could:</b> <ul><li type="disc">Retire Early</li><li type="disc">Have 4 day weekends for the rest of your life</li><li type="disc">Raise your own children</li><li type="disc">Get out of debt</li><li type="disc">Take vacations anywhere in the world</li><li type="disc">Buy a new home</li><li type="disc">Put your kids through college</li><li type="disc">Volunteer for humanitarian causes</li></ul></div><h2 style="color: #D6D3CE; font-size: 24px; font-weight: normal; color: #CCCCCC; line-height: 14px; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 12px;">Income in the Information Age</h2><div style="font-size: 12px; color: #333333; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px; margin-left: 36px; line-height: 20px; text-align: justify;"><p>Corporate America has conditioned us to believe that security comes from employment. Yet we hope to never become the victims of downsizing, career burn out, illness or injury. The frightening reality for most people is that the plastic in their wallets determines the quality of their lives. The hard facts show that our economy has moved from the industrial age into the <b>INFORMATION AGE</b>. No longer can you depend on the corporation to provide your family with the security you seek and deserve. Every day more and more people are looking outside the traditional workplace for the fulfillment of their goals and dreams. If you are a person of <b>VISION</b>, a <b>TRUE ENTREPRENEUR</b>, a person with <b>FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE</b> who recognizes a sound opportunity when you see one... <p><b>Please read further:</b><p>Our team of marketing professionals are looking for a few quality individuals with a strong work ethic and the <b>DESIRE</b> to generate <b>$10,000 PER MONTH OR MORE</b> from the comfort of their home.<p>With multiple income streams available, we teach people how to achieve a 6 figure cash flow within the first 6 to 12 months and how to retire for good within 2 to 5 years.<p>This business is for those who are serious about creating multiple 6 and 7 figure wealth. <p><b>If this describes you then take note:</b><p>We seek individuals who recognize that the information boom is upon us, and who are determined to <b>TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE</b> of the opportunities presented in these <b>NEW AND EXCITING TIMES</b>. For the serious entrepreneur we invite you to fill out the contact form below. One of our associates will promptly respond to your request.<br><br><form action="mailto: zrmarketteam@excite.com" method="post" enctype="text/plain"><TABLE width="450" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" align="center" frame="box"><TR><TD width="200" align="right"><FONT size="2">Name</FONT></TD><TD width="200"><FONT size="2"><INPUT type="text" name="name" size="40" maxlength="20">*</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD width="200" align="right"><FONT size="2">Phone</FONT></TD><TD width="200"><FONT size="2"><INPUT type="text" name="phone" size="40" maxlength="30">*</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD width="200" align="right"><FONT size="2">Email</FONT></TD><TD width="200"><FONT size="2"><INPUT type="text" name="email" size="40" maxlength="40">*</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD width="200" align="right"><FONT size="2">City</FONT></TD><TD width="200"><FONT size="2"><INPUT type="text" name="city" size="40" maxlength="40">*</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD width="200" align="right"><FONT size="2">State</FONT></TD><TD width="200"><FONT size="2"><INPUT type="text" name="state" size="40" maxlength="40">*</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD width="200" align="right"><FONT size="2">Best time to call</FONT></TD><TD width="200"><FONT size="2"><INPUT type="text" name="time-call" size="40" maxlength="40">*</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD width="200" align="right"><FONT size="2">Why do you seek greater financial gain?</FONT></TD><TD width="200"><FONT size="2"><INPUT type="text" name="reason" size="40" maxlength="80">*</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD colspan="2" align="center"><FONT size="2"><INPUT type="submit" value="Tell Me More!"></font></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM><br>* To submit information, you must be viewing from within a mail client such as MS Outlook, Eudora, etc. Web based email may be unable to submit. Incomplete queries will be discarded.<br><br><hr size="1px" noshade><br><br><br><br>Planning a major purchase? Be sure to know your credit rating:<br><br>3 bureau online credit report: <A HREF="http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=13376670&siteid=39223282&bfpage=tiles_3b" TARGET="_top">$34.95</A><br>Single instant online credit report: <A HREF="http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=13376670&siteid=39223282&bfpage=singledirect___" TARGET="_top">$9.95</A><br>Free instant online credit report: <A HREF="http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=13376670&siteid=39223282&bfpage=homepage" TARGET="_top">Sign up</A><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><a href="mailto: rem34698@excite.com " target="_blank">Remove</a></div></td><td width="70"> </td><td width="275" class="sidebarbg" bgcolor="#D6D3CE"><p> </p><p style="font-size: 12px; color: #333333; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px;line-height: 20px; text-align: center;">As seen on: </p><br>
<div align="center"><font color="666699"><strong>USA TODAY<br><br>48 HOURS<br><br>NEW YORK TIMES</strong></font></div><br><br><hr width="90%" size="1px" noshade><p> </p></td></tr></table><table width="875" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"><tr><td bgcolor="#666699"> </td></tr></table></div></body></html>