If you're using Debian, grab the nvidia-glx-src and nvidia-kernel-src
packages and use make-kpkg to build your kernel. This simplifies some
packagin issues.

The only mesa releated packages you should have installed are xlibmesa (and
the dev package) If you have anything else, purge! (also purge 3dfx) 

Then make sure your libGL.so is the one from Nvidia package and not from
xlibmesa. (if you're using the packages mentioned above, you'll need to use
dpkg --force-overwrite -i to install the resultion nvidia-glx package.)

I'm going to try and attache a shell script that kinda checks for the most
common problems. If it doesn't work, hop on to irc.openprojects.net, join
#nvidia, /msg ice-dcc xdcc list and get the file from there. (Also ask for

| Andrew S. Zbikowski       | Home: 763.591.0977 |
| http://www.ringworld.org  | Work: 763.428.9119 |
| http://www.itouthouse.com | PCS:  612.306.6055 |
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