Make a Win98 boot disk, then the linux boot disks. Run defrag under 98. fips
should be able to handle resizing the partition. Last time I installed Red
Hat I think disk druid could handle it as well. Knowing my luck, Red Hat
replaced Disk Druid with something else...

Anyway, some distros include a version of Partition Magic if you buy their
boxed set. 

You'll want to shrink the windows partition down and create a secondary
partition with logical disks for linux. Good luck, have fun, etc, etc,

Andy Zbikowski, Sys Admin   | (WEB)
LTI Flexible Products, Inc. | (PH)  763-428-9119 (EX) 132
21801 Industrial Blvd       | (FX)  763-428-9126
Rogers, MN  55374           | (PCS) 612-306-6055