The MAPS domain hosting agreement with Vixie Enterprises has expired 
and will not be renewed.  Accordingly, domain names ending in the old 
MAPS.VIX.COM suffix will shortly become invalid.

As of 30 April 2001, all users of the MAPS RBL<sm> or DUL<sm> must use 
MAPS' native servers to continue their service. Please change any 
configurations and/or any documentation you are responsible for to the 
following zones:

Was:  Should be:
Was:  Should be:

There are no changes required for the RSS<sm> ( 
or  RBL+ (

Please note that RBL+ queries are only permitted via subscription as 
are zone transfers of RBL and RBL+.  The MAPS RSS <sm> and MAPS DUL<sm> 
will continue to be available for normal queries, but full zone 
transfers will be secured and available only by subscription in the 
near future.

Please write to subscription-request at for the appropriate 
contracts if you are interested in subscribing to these services.

Margie Arbon                   Mail Abuse Prevention System, LLC
margie at