I also have had numerous problems integrating a Linux server into a Mac
client network.  The naming convention didn't seem to be an issue, and
the clients had every possible "Bad Combination" possible (/ in a name,
*'s in a name, bullets, commas, question marks, etc), with no apparent

The problems you are explaining with Quark and Photoshop are identicle to
the ones I found.  It seems that those 2 apps keep a secret, hidden
"version" file that won't let them "save" or "save as" with the same name.
The only work-around was to "save as" with a slightly different file name.
In my opinion, this is not an acceptable solution.  I've found numerous
other resources that point to this being an issue and no real solution

I did a server move, to a different platform.  It solved the problem of
those apps saving, but now a new one cropped up.  They have a RAID array,
level 5, 400Gb.  Files from Photoshop will simply disappear. (their words) 
At first I thought they were crazy, until I saw it for myself.  As it
turned out, the files actually WERE on the server, but the Finder on the
mac corrupted the index file on the server and the files were not visible.
I found some help documenting my experience with others on the net, but no
solution has been found here either.  Large volumes + Mac clients =
problems.  Does anyone know a contact for a newspaper or another source
where large volumes may be in use and could offer assistance?

My $.02.


On Sun, 2 Dec 2001, Mike Nielsen wrote:

> Hope everyone is having a good day?
> Anyway I have a client with an artdpartmen teaming with macs.   The owners 
> wanted to give Microsoft the shaft and use a linux backed.  Which I was more
> than happy to let them try.   
> Netatalk however is giving me some problems.  I am using generic config files
> with a line added to give them full access to a data repository.  
> The problems are numerous and I don't know if they are releated or if there 
> is anything I can do about it.     
> They have several issues with file names.  Some of the naming conventions hae 
> bullets, parenthesis. tildes, and other bizzare characters that don't seem to 
> make things happy. Often they can't open files from a mac as it gives a 
> corruption error.  
> They also have problems with Photoshop and quark.  The might be able to open a
> document but can't close it, save it, or what ever.
> I am curious if anyone else out there is attempting to use linux as a 
> fileserver and what you might have done to get around some of these issues.  

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