On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 02:58:54PM -0600, Amy Tanner (amy at real-time.com) wrote:
> Does anyone know how to set the default banner page for CUPS ?
> According to the docs, a client can specify it like:
> lpr -o job-sheets=standard filename
> where standard is the name of the banner file.
> But I'd like to set the default banner for all print queues on the server
> and then not allow the end-user to override.  I do not see anything in the 
> cupsd.conf about banners or job-sheets.  I see job-sheets in printers.conf 
> but that appears to be a generated file and my attempts to modify it do 
> not seem to effect any change.


I could not find any way to do it on the command line.  I was able to
do it with the built-in web interface CUPS provides though.

Now, does anyone know of any good ways to create or modify postscript
banner pages?
Amy Tanner
amy at real-time.com