i'm hoping that will help me with some probs i'm having with my pc right now.... i'm running SuSE7.3 AMD 1.1Ghz 512MB ram Matrox Millenium g400 max video I also have a Hitachi DVD-ROM GD-2500 that is IDE ATAPI... and a Yamaha CD Burner I am having problems with not being able to play CD's ... music CD's and DVD's on my pc ... using the hitachi drive... the burner will do nothing but but cd's and .. that's it... i don't know how to set Linux up so that i can use the DVD rom to read cd's... whether data or audio... in konquoer.. and play music... as well as play DVD's... any help would be greatly appreciated... i've searched the site high and low... and don't know where else to go thankyou very very much Jeremy Wilson jeremy_wilson at charter.net