I'm sure some other debian user is bangina away at a similar reply, but oh
well. :)

Debian Stable is just that, Stable. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The
only thing that gets updated in Stable is security stuff. And whenever
possible, the security stuff is backported from the latest version of the
software to the version of the software that is in stable. AFAIK, bind has
been the only recent exception to this rule.

> > Having said that it's easy to upgrade to Woody, which is up to 2.4.16 last
>   So, what would be the way to do this?  apt-get all packages?  I haven't
> touched a Debian install before, and only heard about that through the
> list....

No no my good friend. First update /etc/apt/sources.list to change
occurances of stable/potato to woody. (you can leave the potato lines in
there if you want, and then just make new lines for woody.) Then apt-get
update (updates list of available packages.), then apt-get -dy
dist-upgrade (Downloads packages to upgrade from one version of debian to
the latest.) When your download finishes, run apt-get dist-upgrade. (I
like using the -dy switches to download first. Then I can walk away from
my box, get a pepsi, watch Farscape, sleep, whatever while packages
download, then perform the upgrade when I have a few spare minutes, and I
don't have to wait for the packages.)

AFTER you've updated to woody, you should be able to edit
/etc/apt/apt.conf and add the line:
APT::DefaultRelease "woody";

It might also help to create /etc/apt/preferences containing:
Package: *
Pin: release a=woody
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 50

In theory, when you apt-get install something, it should download
something from the woody tree. But, if you apt-get -t unstable install
something, apt would grab the unstable version of something and somethings

I haven't tested this out yet myself. Just read it on
www.debianplanet.org. Read the apt_preferences man page and the
apt howto first, and use apt-get -su install|upgrade|distupgrade to just
simulate the actions that would be taken before you rely on it. Doing
otherwise would be dangerous. :)

Andrew S. Zbikowski | http://www.ringworld.org
	"I MIGHT be DANGEROUS!" --The Tick