On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 02:49:42PM -0600, Chad C. Walstrom wrote:
> > What about the all the text you sent once MORE! And all the OTHER mails.
> > Why not try to give a nice hint in private mail instead of writing back
> > to the list each time?
> I did that on purpose to prove a point.  Obviously it didn't translate
> well in your sarcasm interpretor.  There's a new upstream version at
> ftp://find.humor.here.org/pub/sarcint/sarcint-cvs-20011218.tar.gz.

I'm just saying: On one side people say "We have to be nice to newbies",
when someone (Hi Ben :-)) flames/tells someone to rtfm, but we _still_
want them to be aware of more or less unspoken rules about how you
communicate on a mailinglist (Yes, I know the URL you posted) and
the TCLUG site doesn't even have anything about how to "act" on the list.
I'm not saying it's the site-maintainers fault, 'cause you can't have
every bit of information out there on the site.

> Why don't I just send it as a private email?  Public humiliation of
> offendors on an email list bring public attention to a public problem.
> Send email to a list, play by the rules of netiquette.

Public humiliation goes right against what some people on this list want
to happen to newcomers. It's very likely that another potential user
will be lost if people tell her/him to "go learn how to quote or you'll
end in my kill-filter" or similar not-so-harsh comments. In my opinion
our time is better spent mailing the "offenders" off-list and explaining
in non-technical terms why it's bad. 

> Regardless, I'm playing around with scoring in procmail.  I'll soon have
> a working ruleset for Mail/tclug/list/2001-12/hall-of-shame/.  I'll also
> be experimenting with adding X-Procmail-Score: headers to all emails I
> receive. Something to quote with. ;-)  Perhaps we should write up a
> Netiquette Hall of Shame scoreboard for www.mn-linux.org ;-)

It would only be fun if the list manager attached such headers instead
of them just landing in your inbox. 

  Thomas Eibner <http://thomas.eibner.dk/> DnsZone <http://dnszone.org/>
  mod_pointer <http://stderr.net/mod_pointer>