What kind of video card and display do you have? What X windows settings are you using (8-bit, 24-bit,...; 640x480, 600x800,...). A lot of detail is a good thing. 

It sounds like you might be starved for colors right off the bat. Are you using Gnome or KDE?

>>> scottdagastino at yahoo.com 02/06/01 10:55AM >>>
I have recently installed Redhat Linux 6.1 out of the
box.  When I go into startx, everything displays just
fine until I invoke the xterm.

The xterm comes up and I can type in commands that
work, but problems:
1.  prompt does not display
2.  what I type is not displaying.
3.  If I then highlight the window (with mouse) then
all the commands are displayed.  I already tried
setting the foreground/background colors and nothing

Any suggestions:

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