Anybody here ever install Slackware 3.4 on a T4600
Toshiba Laptop with only 4 megs of ram?

first of i am using 3.4 because it is the only distrib
that i could find that i could fit only on Floppies
(no NIC)

second RAM upgrade is all but imposible on a machine
this old and i dont think i want to spend too much on

the reason i am doing this is because it may be useful
as a remote testing device/ storage device... not all
computers have a ZIP disk but all have a
Serial/Parallel(sp?) port, (macs are not really
computers anyways... <G>)
and it is bound to be a good excersize if i could get
the damn kernel to load without panics


PS- if you have parts for this Laptop (Mem chip
replacement floppy) i may have a few bucks extra at
the end of the month...

Version: 3.12
GAT GIT dpu- s:- a19 C++ UL P+ L+(++) E--- W+ N+ w(--) K? O-- M- V- PS+ PE-(--) Y-- PGP-(---) t 5+++ X R tv-- b+++ D++ DI++ G e+ h+() r- y+ UF++

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