The main reason the config data has not been supported in a DB yet is for 
two reasons (a) the config hasn't quite stabilized yet and (b) no one has 
submitted a propsed schema that people agree upon.    Most everything else 
(status data, retention data, comments, etc.) can now (read 0.0.7 alphas) be 
stored in MySQL and (hopefully) PostgreSQL databases.

On 11 Jan 01, at 13:09, Jason J wrote:

> The database interaction is on their to do list, so its coming...
> I dont see anything about PHP though.
> "Austad, Jay" wrote:
> > > FYI - PHP would _not_ work for monitoring systems (as it does
> > > not allow itself
> > > to run as a daemon)
> >
> > I know.  But it would be nice to have the web interface written in PHP for
> > easy modification.  If netsaint stored the configs in a database, it would
> > make life much easier.  It could also store it's collected data in the DB for
> > running nice querie's through a PHP page.  Set it up to grab router bandwidth
> > stats every 5 minutes and dump it in the DB, and generate pretty graphs
> > dynamically.  You'd obviously still have a little daemon that runs to control
> > probes and gather data.
> >

Ethan Galstad
Web and Database Developer
U of M Extension Service
475 Coffey Hall, 1420 Eckles Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: (612)624-3725
Fax:   (612)625-2207