Here are a few post-meeting announcements: 1. Thanks to everyone who made it to the TCLUG meeting. I think we had around 25 show up, with about half of them first-timers. Since we didn't have a topic we did extended introductions with a Q-n-A session afterwards. Some of the questions that came up were: How to firewall your DSL connection, databases, libc5 vs glibc, and a lot of stuff I can't remember right now. Overall I think it was a pretty good meetings. 2. The following TCLUG officer positions are still open. - Editor/publisher for a monthly electronic newsletter - "Goodies Guy" to bug vendors for free stuff The positions can be shared, so let me know if you are willing to help the LUG out in any way. 3. There was interest in having an installfest soon. I've put up a webpoll so please take a second and vote. 4. There will be a Linux Conference on Thursday April 12, 2001, which will include an installfest. This event is geared towards Technical Managers and Business owners, but anyone is welcome. I will put more info up on the webpage in the next couple of weeks. Thanks. Clay _______________________________________________ tclug-announce mailing list tclug-announce at