Yes, I think the switch comes from tar on solaris using I for something else
(no clue why things moved from y to I though...)

Potato's (v2.2) tar still uses I, woody (testing) and sid (v2.3, unstable)
have moved to j. I belive debian packagers are now required to use --bzip2,
--gzip, --ungzip, --compress, and --uncompress instead of using the single
letter switches. 

I'm assuming that you grabbed your kernel source with apt or dselect. As
2.2.18 is officially released now, you probally want to grab that kernel
from instead of the pre21 kernel. Even though it isn't a
debian-ized package, kernel package will still be able to make a kernel
package, no problem. 

You may want to use the settings the kernel package maintainer used to
compile your original kernel as a base for your new kernel. The config file
is at 
/boot/config-2.2.18pre21, simply cp /boot/config-2.2.18pre21
/usr/src/linux/.config and make menuconfig (or make xconfig) and custimize
to your liking. 

| Andrew S. Zbikowski       | Home: 763.591.0977 |
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| | PCS:  612.306.6055 |
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