On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Nate Carlson wrote:

> I'm having trouble with a client machine where a user is a part of about
> 50 groups (eek, i know), and everything works fine from the command line,
> but when the user tries to modify files through ftp (running ProFTPd
> 1.2.2rc3), it works if the group name is within the first 512 characters
> that get returned when you runs 'groups username', but gets a permission
> denied if it's after the 512-character boundary.

Sounds like possibly a "feature" of ProFTPd.  I remember seeing a lot of
buffer overflow attacks on wu-ftpd that had to do with strings longer than
512 characters, might just be a defense mechanism.  First thing I would
check is your version of ProFTPd and make sure it's current.  I've never
belonged to more than 512 characters worth of groups so I'm not sure if
that's the problem or not.  Just a hunch.
