On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 10:50:23PM +0000, Rick Engebretson wrote:
> The leap into Linux from MSWindows is daunting. The family computer is 
> not an available option for most eager learners. A second computer using 
> Linux (possibly double boot) is now affordable for many.
> With MSWindows Home Networking it is easy and cheap to add this second 
> (Linux) home computer to the internet. The MSWindows box requires 
> Windows98SE or above (we use ME) for use as the "gateway" TCP/IP, DHCP 
> network server. It works great.
> Instead of this hook-up most Linux experts suggest using the Linux 
> machine for the "gateway." When you know what you're doing that is great. 
> But most families won't try this experiment with their home system. So 
> Linux goes untried by too many kids.
> Linux is not the first OS kids learn. Simplifying the steps to begin 
> learning Linux is important. So I suggest adding a Linux box to an 
> MSWindows network. This is the opposite of adding MSWindows boxes to a 
> Linux network as most experts now suggest.
> Linux is the best OS. Let's share it.

And the digest of this message is... ?

Maybe it's too late in the afternoon.


"you have moved your mouse, please reboot to make this change take effect"

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