On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Yaron wrote:

> I know a lot of people on the list are electronics geeks (what's happening
> with the analog RAM meter, btw?) so I figured I'd ask. Is there like a
> Beginner's Guide to Hacking Electronics website or something?

Spend $50 to get "The Art of Electronics" by Paul Horowitz and Winfield
Hill, Cambridge Press (search -- there's a web site for the book
too.)  This is the first and last book you probably need on the subject.

It was written for an electronics class for Physics majors at Harvard.  It
is not a math book, and encourages back of the envelope designs -- but
teaches you good habits.  *VERY* readable.  There's also a Student Manual
to go with Lab stuff.

Even if you're a working EE, it's one of the first books to reach for when
you have a question.

RE: Analog RAM meter.  I have most of a driver happening, but didn't ever
hear what meters people wanted to use to hook it up.  The pallet of
surplus computers I got from NASA and others became more interesting, but
I'd be happy to resurrect my end if there's anyone else out there. ;)

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