On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 03:50:33PM -0500, Jay Kline wrote: > I am starting my own "mini-ISP" where I will be providing some limited services. > One thing I would like to provide is a web interface to administer email stuff > (aliases, add new accounts, delete accounts, etc). I would like to use Qmail to > do this (for security), but I have no idea of the implications of the web > interface. Because I plan on using SSL (even if the certificate is not from > VeriSign or whomever, at least its encrypted), the site itself will be fairly > secure. Does anyone know of other issues I need to worry about? Also, does > anyone know of any applications available that do this web interface? (Note: I > don't want anyone to be able to sign up for an account like Hotmail, just specific > people should be able to do admin work) If you're using Qmail I can highly recommend using qmailadmin, it's free, it has the features you most likely need. Adding/deleting pop accounts, adding/deleting aliases, adding/deleting forwards, mailinglist admin, autoresponder etc.. I've used it with great success for over a year now. URL: http://inter7.com/qmailadmin/ -- H4sIANVjVzsAA+3QS2rDMBCAYa99irlALY/jB5TiVXuDrLIJLhKJKZGCpGx6+uZFSTfZhRL4 v82MZgahkQ35Jc0bP+VDdMVjaF33bSuFiA6dXmN9ihc6qMiwaLq+11aPuTadNoXUD3rPH4eU pyhS5G3YTenenIt32s9KZHleXD7mT++ivG1z3r8ac/mOyp2rlf0yo7z7tAre/Y5Yn76P5yrE jRlLkV2w632Yfb65JmXrYqy8y+amPUpZ/vfiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPDkfgDIhI/FACgAAA==