You could setup vnc. Under unix, the VNC server acts as an xserver (to the
X clients [remember, x clients are your applications] and a vnc server to
the vnc client (that you can run under win/mac/linux/etc..)

If security is a concern, well, read up on VNC. It isn't very secure at
all. But it does work nicely with ssh with compression turned on.

My ~/.vncrc looks something like:
$vncUserDir = "$ENV{HOME}/.vnc";
$vncPasswdFile = $vncUserDir . "/
$vncStartup = "$vncUserDir/vnc-session";
$xauthorityFile = "$ENV{HOME}/.Xauthority";
$defaultDesktopName = "AndyZb X Desktop";
$geometry ="800x600";
$depth = "24";
$getDefaultFrom = "-display localhost:0"

My vnc-session file is just like my .xsession, except I define a different
display (haven't gotten it to work any other way.)

export DISPLAY=:5
exec gnome-terminal &
exec blackbox

Andrew S. Zbikowski |
"We can learn much more from wise words, little
from wisecracks and less from wise guys."
--William Arthur Ward