
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Guess my lack of experience shows.

Xsltproc is a command to translate the xsl/xml files into html  instead of
having the browsers do it (libxslt-1.0.1-1 from sourceforge). You just wind up
with a html file.

I have a series of files that I'd like to process, each associated with someone
in the lab. I created in the xml file

<LabMember name="What Ever">

In the xsl file, I'd like to have something that

<xsl:template match="LabMember">

and pull in the corresponding file (members/WhatEver.xml) for further
processing. I can manipulate the variable to get the correct filename, but I've
been dead in the water for quite a while from there. Tried a whole series of
ways, none of which worked, obviously. I found a hint about something called
document(), but I haven't been able to dig up more about it nor has a bunch of
shots in the dark been able to get it to fly.

