Jay Kline wrote:

I think he has the name of an XML file embedded in another XML document, 

> Im not sure I follow here, what application are you talking about?
> Jay
> On Tuesday 31 July 2001  7:32 pm, you wrote:
>>I'm hoping someone here knows xml. I'm trying to pull in a .xml file on the
>>fly and I don't seem to be able to get it. The filename is contained in a
>>variable, but I can't find a way to get the variables' value to be read as
>>an input file This works for a prenamed entity, but I can't find a way to
>>create that on the fly either. I've also tried xlinks, but it seems
>>xsltproc doesn't understand that, so I'm pretty short on ideas. Anyone???

Perry Hoekstra
E-Commerce Architect
Talent Software Services
perry.hoekstra at talentemail.com