On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 03:04:28PM -0500, Simeon Johnston wrote:
> I just converted a postscript doc to ascii!  Yay!
> I am wondering if there is a way to wrap the text at 80 characters (or
> the width of the screen) with formatting.  No splitting words by dumping
> the rest of the sentence on the next line).
> Less doesn't do it.  Vi doesn't seem to.  Midnight Commander doesn't.
> Can it be done as it is converting?  Anyone ever used pstotext
> (recomended by the ps2ascii man page)?

Vim will do it ( and there's probably a better way than I'm 
going to tell you and I'm sure there's a perl one liner that'd
do it as well).

Open the file up in vim.
Go into visual mode (hit v).
Select the the text you want to to split (using arrow keys, whatever)
hit 'gq'

Jim Crumley                  |
crumley at fields.space.umn.edu |
Work: 612 624-6804 or -0378  |