I think PDF is just as "grotty" for sending documents around, with the same liabilities you list for PS. I also think PS isn't as inflexible as you make it out to be, but I do have a problem with the quality of output that some utilities produce. Most proprietary formats are pretty lame for a variety of reasons. Why don't we have a "universal document format" open standard at this time in our technological development? Is it really such a tech "hotbed" and advancing at too fast a rate? >>> dd-b at dd-b.net 03/09/01 03:39PM >>> PS is really grotty for sending documents around. I have to run huge, fragile, utilities just to view or print it, either on windows or on Linux. And PS is essentially a write-only format (particularly as most printer drivers produce it), so I can't *do* anything with a document I get in ps except view or print it. I'd much rather get even Microsoft proprietary formats than PS (an Adobe proprietary format, after all); there are more utilities that can do more things with them.