* HOEFFNER at dcmir.med.umn.edu <HOEFFNER at dcmir.med.umn.edu> [010315 13:35]:
> I'm doing it here. Stop on by and I'll show you.

Heh, if you get it working nicely, give me a poke and I could probally
get Ben from LCSE to come by too, hes been interested in trying out XFS

(oh wow, since im sending to a umn email, my send-hook changed my
signature, fear.)
Scott Dier <sdier at cs.umn.edu>  612.626.0869
Computer Science/ITLabs Systems Staff
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Aquarius: (Jan. 20--Feb. 18)
Words can't describe the things that will happen to you this week.
Fortunately, the mathematics of nuclear fusion can.  -theonion.com