>From: "Andy Zbikowski (Zibby)" <zibby at ringworld.org>
>Reply-To: tclug-list at mn-linux.org
>To: <tclug-list at mn-linux.org>
>Subject: Re: [TCLUG] Kernel 2.4.x
>Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 08:37:23 -0500 (CDT)
>It's a WinModem. You're over the falls allready so it doesn't really
>matter that you don't have a paddle.
>That said, most of the winmodems supported have lucent chipsets. IBM
>kicked lucent around and forced them to make them work under linux. But
>just because it works, doesn't mean it will work better than under
>windows. It's still a POS software modem, and the Lucent & Rockwell based
>modems are the worst of the lot. (Based on my ISP tech support
>As far as I know 3com winmodems are still a no go under linux. I could be
>wrong as I don't care about software modems, there is no reason for them
>to exisit other than to annoy me, I have 3 nice 3com/USR modems, and none
>of them are in my machine due to a lack of ISA slots.
>Go out, buy a real modem. Not some USB hack, not some stupid winmodem.
>I've been out of ISP support for about a year now and I still don't want
>to hear about winmodems or the problems that come with them.
>No, I don't have an opinion about these things. Not at all.
>| Andrew S. Zbikowski       | Home: 763.591.0977 |
>| http://www.ringworld.org  | Work: 763.428.9119 |
>| http://www.itouthouse.com | PCS:  612.306.6055 |
>|   His power apparently lies in his ability to  |
>|           choose incompetent enemies.          |
>|    - Crow T. Robot, MST3K, "Prince of Space"   |
>tclug-list mailing list
>tclug-list at mn-linux.org

Yeah, I kinda resigned myself to dropping more money on my fscking computer. 
<rant> Man, the next time I need a new computer, I'm gonna build my own. 
<Dell> Computer venders suck big hairy Canadian wang </Dell></rant>

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