On Wed, 30 May 2001, Nate Straz wrote: > send out more FUD. I don't know what crap he's trying to throw out by > 64-bit chip that Win64 is going to be the default and Linux won't have a > chance? As I understand it, the IA-64 is finally out as a supercomputer platform only. What's really interesting is that linux runs on it.. Micro$oft does not yet have an OS to run on a 64 bit architecture. Anyway, that's what I HEARD, salt to taste, your milage may vary. > IMNSHO, MS is paying people for entire magazines. I used to read > PC/Computing until I got so sick of the MS worshiping I couldn't even > look at the cover anymore. Yay! Somebody else noticed!!! Unless it says "linux" in the title, I've stopped reading those "PC" magazines. They are either A) owned by Microsoft in some way B) paid by someone to influence their reporting or C) just totally ignorant. Some of them it's hard to tell. I noticed a magazine about "the top 10 products you need to secure your network". Well, apparently they've never heard of Cisco, linux, or *BSD because it was all SOFTWARE to run on your oh so precious NT boxen. If you're running an NT box and you don't have a PHYSICAL firewall in front of it, you deserve to be hacked in my completely anal opinion. Anyway, there's my rant for the day. -Brian