Quoting Jacqueline Urick (jacque at fruitioninc.com):
> "sysadminitis". Linux is a great OS. It is geek-spectaular and all that. The
> problem is that I'm not a sysadmin, nor do I ever want to be one. 

Blasphemer! Don't want to be an admin! :-P

> I'm a Luser that just wants the stuff I use on a daily basis to work... 

Thus running linux can help. Once you get it installed, it just works.

> work together. I want to be able get everything installed and up in running
> with minimal effort. I think I speak for many many people when I say this.
> Many argue, "well all the doc is there, RTFM". What if I don't want to RTFM
> because I have other stuff to do that I feel is more important to me? 

Call Real Time? ;-)

> Since I first started playing with Linux, it has improved greatly in the
> "install and work" department, but it still has a ways to go. I definitely
> want to see linux succeed, but programmers who are serious about seeing linux
> to mainstream really need to address this issue. Linux also needs some better
> pr.

PR, the magic word. It's been something we have been struggling with at Real
Time, never seems to get it just right. But I digress.

One of the problem with computers (but Linux and Windows, heck all other OSs) is
that they are simple things that people can "just plug in" and it works. I blame
MS for this. And frankly, it's not true.

I like to use the car analogy. It's pretty "simple". Almost everyone has one.
But how many people work on their cars? Not many. Heck, I don't even change my
own oil. I take it to a _professional_ and they do it right, they do it in 20
mins or less and it cost me $21.95.

I'm not a car mechanic; a car repair professional, so I take my car to a
professional. The time and effort it would take me to chain my own oil would
cost me for more then $21.95. 

Why should you do any less for your computer? If you aren't an admin (car
mechanic) take your computer (car) to a professional (Real Time) for service.

I'm I the only one that see the market like this?

More relationships:

I can use a shovel, I can dig a ditch, but I didn't install my sprinkler system.

I can use a hammer, I can use nails, I even know how to use a saw, but I didn't
build my fence.

I'm a graphic artists, I design web sites, therefore I can install, configure
and -secure- my corporate web site. Eh?
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