While looking for a new ISP, I discovered that cost of ISDN is quite a bit lower. I live far from town. There is no DSL, no cable. This is my cheapest alternative to 56K. A couple of questions if anyone else has an ISDN hookup. 1) What exactly do I have to get from Qworst? Do they string a new line? Can I use my current phone line? Do I have to pay them a monthly fee in addition to the ISP? Talk about a useless web page. Students in web design should have to traverse that turd and find at least 3 bits of useful information. 2) Is it really faster. I don't mind paynig extra if I get 128K, but I don't see any mention of that on the Qworst site. Just 64K. Can only certain locations get 128K and the rest get 64K? The ISP web pages quote 64/128K prices but is it as simple as paying more to get the 128K? Or does my phone line need to checked? 3) Is any old ISDN modem adeqaute for dial-up service? Some are $200, some are $300. What is $300 buying me? There is a $195 USR ISDN modem at mwave.com. Says its the replacement for the 3COM Impact IQ modem, which seemed to be quite populare on google. That would seem to be enough, no? I just want to surf and download. 4) Any other costs I'm overlooking? Thanks, If I can ever make it to a beer meeting ( with 3 small kids, good luck to me on that one ) I owe a couple of rounds. Paul