I need to access a site that requires shockwave installed using Mozilla

I follow the instructions on the Macromedia page-- Copy the Macromedia
Flash Player (libflashplayer.so) into the Netscape plug-in directory
(/usr/lib/netscape/plugins).  And Copy the Macromedia Flash Player Java
class file (ShockwaveFlash.class) into the Netscape plug-in directory
(/usr/lib/netscape/plugins).  Restart the browser and it still asks for
the plugin.  The permissions are r/x for all users.

Nate Carlson gave me the idea of putting them in
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.  Now it no longer asks for the plugin, but
simply sits there doing nothing.  

Anybody been able to get Flash/Shockwave running under Mozilla?


James Spinti
jspinti at dartdist dot com
952-368-3278 ext 398
952-368-3255 fax