> So why did they implement NFS using UDP?  This just seems
> goofy to me.  Theres an option to run NFS on TCP,
> but it's not the default.

UDP has a lot less overhead and is much faster over a clean/fast network.

> I was putting up with this for way too long, mostly because
> I reached my limit on hassles to contend with.  "I don't
> want to debug this now, all I want to do is get this lousy
> video file from box A to box B ten feet away."
> So I used scp, although that seems stupid in the privacy of your
> own basement.  but what else is there?  ftp, http? Those
> seem stupid too.  Rsync?  That sounds good "BZZZZ" you
> lose, can't do rsync(without -e ssh, or setting up a rsync
> server) with a few stock RH boxes.

Doesn't RH come with OpenSSH installed by default now? And what's so hard
about using -e ssh?