On Wed, Aug 07, 2002 at 04:17:22PM -0500, Carl Lindgren wrote:
> Hey list,
> Does anyone know of an Out-of-the-Box Accounting Package that would run on
> *nx?

well, here are some ideas:
(haven't read it yet, and I'd take the author with a heavy grain of salt)

www.osas.com -- I used to administrate an installation of this. it's very
functional; tho the user interface occasionally leaves something to be
desired. even tho it runs on linux; it may still require 'scoansi' terminal
emulation. it's kind of pricey (I think our 5-user licence was $12,000; but
don't quote me on that, and I know their pricing structure has changed
recently, so check them out); but it scales happily to hundreds of thousands
of accounts.

There used to be some company called 'Custom Choice' that advertised in
Linux Journal; but I didn't think too highly of their website. they looked
like they had a lot of features; but I never tried their stuff.

There's also a company called 'Appgen' who advertised in LJ; I think
someone in the LUG has actually worked with their software, but I don't
remember clearly.

Carl Soderstrom.
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises