
On Sun, 25 Aug 2002, Matthew S. Hallacy wrote:

> System has 32M of ram, 51.2M of swap isn't going to do diddly squat for you.
> There has *NEVER* been a formula that involved RAM*(number) = SWAP. Ever.

There has been, in every SunOS/Solaris System Installation Manual for at
least 10 years. I've also seen it in SCO manuals. I can tell you from
experience that an AIX box WILL NOT FUNCTION CORRECTLY without SWAP >
Physical Mem. And not a little >, a LOT >. In fact, IBM have told me to
make swap 2*Physical Mem, but I've never been able to read an IBM manual
so I don't know if they have a formula actually documented.

> I've got half a gig of ram in my system, and 512M of swap. it's more than
> enough. (unless i'm making some of my very very very large maps =)

Or you're running three or four VMWare instances. Or are doing a lot of
video editing. Or both. While compiling stuff.

