Anyone out there a computer security consultant? I have a friend who is starting a business venture and may need some computer security consultation, mainly for personal computer security (ie email encryption, personal firewalls, maybe small network stuff, nothing enterprise level although you should have some knowledge in that arena as well but you would not be expected to be a guru). You would almost surely have to spend some time in the Microsoft world (anyone ideologically opposed to all things Microsoft don't bother responding) although I'm sure there would be chances to persuade folks to the Linux world if it makes sense to do so (ie routers/firewall boxes etc... but none of these people will dump their Windows environments because it's "unsafe", they'll expect you to make it safe. these are financial people and are generally uncomfortable with change.). Anyway, if any of you fit this description and you are interested in some work drop me your name and phone number (off list is fine if you are uncomfortable with posting that info here) and I'll forward them to him. Thanks, Ben.