> So, the point. This mailing list is for LINUX users, my little
> hack does not
> effect ANY MUA under Linux -and- it only effects 1 specific MUA; Outlook.
> So, shut off the hack? If so why? If not, why?
> As an aside, I'll probably shut off the hack because I like
> Jacque :-), but I'm
> interested in your opinions. In a world of IE only web sites, Windows only
> attachements, is this really that bad of a thing?

Well my opinion on the matter is this. I don't purposely send HTML email to
list and I try to adhere to most of the "list ettiquette". I try to be very
conscious about that. I also know that thanks to using outlook, I sent a
virus to the list once. I apologized for that. That was not only really
embarassing, but I lost several hours of work time because of it. I know
outlook sucks.

I think most of us outlook users are in the same boat, we use outlook for
work. My client uses outlook for the calendaring and contact features. I
don't think we should be singled out for that. I have made an effort to get
my clients to use linux where it is applicable to their business and mine,
i.e. hosting their sites, etc.
