On Wednesday 06 February 2002 10:34 am, you wrote:
> I hate that.  Let me guess, you are on Mandrake, right?  For some reason
> every install of Mandrake I have seen does that to Kmail.  What you have to
> do is edit ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc
> You will see an entry for [Account 1], just manually change that to what
> you want your default account to be.  Dont delete it, or you will screw up
> kmail. But if you put some values in there (even if not the right ones) you
> can then use Kmail to delete the account and put your own default in.
Well, it is on a RH 7.1 box. When I open the above file the account I want to 
be the default is listed under [Account 1]. I grep for default and find no 
account information related to default. I will muck around with it for a bit. 
It is not that big of a deal.
Thanks for the information.