When I was using kernel 2.4.9, bttv worked great.  But with my shiny new
2.4.17 kernel, the image from xawtv freezes after a couple of seconds unless
I move the window around.  It locked up my whole machine last night too.
/var/log/messages shows:

bttv0: PLL: 28636363 => 35468950 ... ok
bttv0: PLL: switching off
bttv0: irq: SCERR risc_count=1f08d010
bttv0: irq: SCERR risc_count=1f08d010
bttv0: irq: SCERR risc_count=1f08d010
bttv0: irq: SCERR risc_count=1f08d010
bttv0: irq: SCERR risc_count=1f08d010
bttv0: aiee: error loops
bttv0: irq: SCERR risc_count=1f340014
bttv0: aiee: error loops

Does anyone know what the problem is?  I must have my History channel and
TLC!  And my makeshift "at" powered Tivo.  :)

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