Sorry if this goes out twice, I think spamassasin may have killed my
earlier post.

I'm trying to set up iptables to use ethernet aliases as incoming or
outgoing devices, take the following command as an example...

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0:1 -j DNAT --to-destination

if I attempt to execute that command I receive the following message...

WARNING: wierd character in interface 'eth0:1' (No aliases, :, !, or *).

but if I then do a `iptables -L -t nat -v` the rule has made it into the
chain complete with the supposedly bogus interface designation.  So my
question is whether this is just a warning as it indicated in the
message and will actually function properly or if I'm truly not allowed
to use ethernet aliasing in iptables.  I have enough other chaos in my
system right now that I can't just try to use it to find out, my packets
could very well drop for a number of other reasons and I'd never know so
a response from someone who has dealt with this before would be greatly
