First, St. Paul Tech. is offering it as a A.S.S. degree that will be able to transfer and get credit torwards a bachlors at the U of M. My other education I have alot of class in MCSE, A+, networking, some Solaris and Unix. I went to Century for some didn't offer a lot at the time transferred to Globe college, (that was a mistake), then to KRS Comouter school for Solaris And Unix training. Only thing wrong with them is that the teacher was always to busy to teach it seemed. So I looked around talk to some friends and found out about ST. Paul Tech. If wanted to I could get my A+, Network +, MCSE ( a couple), and CCNA. Most of all I leared alot on my own. Read books, challenge yourself at what you want to learn on Linux, if you break it, thats why you have the TCLUG people here to help you fix it. Michael D. Piemonte