To All:

I am a relative Linux newbie and I came to my first installfest last
week.  IT WAS GREAT.  I just want to thank all those who helped me and
all the others that participated and organized this into one of the
greatest geek experiences that I have ever had.  YOU ALL ROCK!

I understood from a couple of members that there would be more of these
great events if we only had a place that was easily available with all
the things that are necessary to make the day work.  I have a place.  I
am the Director of Computing programs at Dunwoody College of Technology
and I have sought and received permission to have the event at the
College on the weekends _when ever we wish_.  So we now have a place
that we can use on a regular basis to have InstallFests.

I guess I need to know what needs to happen next to set some dates up
for the near future.  So, could someone who can help me organize this,
please contact me directly to get this ball rolling?

Malik Bush
mbush at