On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, ben_b wrote:

> As a person with no ideological tie to unix based operating systems or
> open source software it appears that the majority of posts on this list
> take some sort of shot, large or small, at Microsoft.  I'm glad someone
> else made this point, I was really considering making it myself after the
> recent post regarding exchange alternatives but hesitated thinking maybe
> I'm the odd-ball out here (mainly due to the volume of posts bashing
> microsoft).  The reason I mention the post asking about exchange and
> outlook is that it seemed even more obnoxious than usual.  It appeared
> that this person wanted any alternative to Microsoft products irregardless
> of whether or not they were "better", the fact that they would not be
> Microsoft seemed sufficient to this person.  Maybe it's part of an

I can't speak for anyone else, but the majority of my professional
exposure to Microsoft products has involved some level of pain.
As such, I consider the avoidance of Microsoft products perfectly
natural and sane. If it hurts, don't do it.

On the other hand, having the sheer power of a Unix/Linux command
line at my fingertips is something that is hard to pass up.

Why do people insist on using Microsoft solutions?

Daniel Taylor
dante at plethora.net