I recently wrote to the list regarding setting up Bind 9 in a chroot environment. Thanks to some good info from the group I got it set up and running. I also picked up the O'reilly DNS and Bind ver 4 that some of you recommend it and it is a great reference. I wasn't able to find a real detailed look at how the chroot actually works. I noticed that I didn't need to move the named binary (/usr/sbin)or any of the lib.c modules from their current locations outside the chroot jail. I am curious why these didn't need to be moved to allow named to function in the chroot environment. I am guessing that the named binary loads as root and then changes to the user I have it set to run under after it starts. Looking in TOP I can see that the named daemon is indeed running as the correct user and not as root so I assume it is working correctly. Anybody know the mechanics of it and how to make sure it is running correctly? Just curious. Regards, rotbau