On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 09:48:03AM -0600, Jason Lohrenz wrote:
>Same setup as above, although for some reason it doesn't seem to do good
>memory management.  If some program uses a bunch of memory for a while, and
>then stops using it, the OS doesn't seem to go and claim it back as free
>memory.  Eventually all the programs compalin that there's not a lot of
>memory left until I reboot.  I end up having to do this almost every other

In general the linux kernel's VM subsystem doesn't free­up no longer used
pages in the way you might think. Mostly that's left up to the applications
in question and subsequently the system libraries.

In the case of swap for certain, things that are paged into swap that are
no longer used are not paged out (IIRC) but the dirty buffers are marked as
"free" so they may be used by something else.

Go through the kernel archives looking for stuff about the VM related to
the particular kernels you're refering to for further information.

Hope this useless post helps.

Ben Lutgens		http://people.sistina.com/~blutgens/	
Sistina Software Inc.
 (mail -s "get -info" blutgens-info at sistina.com) for my gpg key, IM info
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