On Sun, 3 Mar 2002 09:34:16 -0600
Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom <chrome at real-time.com> wrote:

> I know there's at least one schoolteacher on this list; does anyone know
> of
> any schools that would be willing to participate in something like this?

Not off hand, but I would think that if someone were to truly sit down with the board and explain the pro's and con's (security needs to be mentioned also), as well as overall cost and that it could run on much of their current systems (both Mac and Intel based) it might spark some interest.  I know their biggest fear would be training, as well as support.  Much like many other places.

I would think that smaller school districts would be more easily approachable than a larger one.

For myself, I was rather PO'd that the Forest Lake district spent $250,000 on a company to do a comparison and determine what would best benefit the students and schools.  They came back, and said "Macintosh" was the way of the business world.  Absolute BS in my mind...
