On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 11:37:14PM -0600, Mark Browne wrote:
> I am trying to put Mandrake on my Sparcstaion 5.
	mandrake has a sparc distro?

> Can anyone point me to a list of what SCSI hard drives are compatible with
> this hardware?
	do you have any drives in it right now? what kind of connectors do
you have?
	I've got a bunch of 1GB SCA SCSI drives; 2 of them even including
the sparc drive sleds. if your sparc has an SCA rack, I'll happily sell
those off (they're no good to me right now, since my sparc 5 has a dead
internal SCSI bus).
	if you have narrow SCSI connectors, any narrow SCSI drive should do
(AFAIK). if you don't mind the noise, I've got a 1GB Micropolis drive that
came out of a sparc 10.
	sparcs are a lot more particular about their CD-ROM drives, tho. you
need one that will run at a 512-byte blocksize, rather than 2K. I have a Sun
CD-ROM drive that I'll happily loan, since I'm not using it right now.

Carl Soderstrom
Network Engineer
Real-Time Enterprises